What is a
Passive House?

A passive house represents the pinnacle of energy-efficient construction, offering unparalleled comfort and affordability. This innovative building standard, developed in Germany as "Passivhaus," has gained global recognition for its ability to drastically reduce energy consumption while maintaining the optimal indoor climate.

Certification The
Gold Standard

To achieve Passivhaus Certification, a building must meet strict performance criteria, including limits on heating and cooling demand, energy consumption, and airtightness. This certification is the global gold standard for energy-efficient construction, ensuring that buildings meet the rigorous criteria set by the Passive House Institute (PHI).

Up to

10x More
energy efficient

Than the average home

  • Experience unparalleled thermal efficiency with the Passivhaus insulation principles inside your BIOBUILDS home. The high-end insulation used on passive homes dramatically reduces heat transfer and slashes energy costs.

  • Achieve the pinnacle of energy efficiency with the Passivhaus sealed building design in your BIOBUILDS home. The airtight construction design eliminates drafts, prevents heat loss, and ensures optimal temperature control.

  • Enjoy fresh, clean air 24/7 with a Passivhaus ventilation system inside your BIOBUILDS home. The Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) technology constantly supplies filtered air while recapturing up to 90% of heat from exhaust air.

Energy Efficiency & Comfort

The combination of superinsulation, airtightness, and efficient ventilation creates a consistently comfortable indoor environment. Temperature variations are minimal, and the constant supply of fresh air ensures superior air quality without drafts.

Economy &

Initial construction of costs of a passive house may be equal or slightly higher, passive homes offer significant long-term savings through drastically reduced energy bills.

The environmental impact of passive houses is equally impressive. By drastically reducing energy consumption, these buildings significantly lower carbon emissions, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.


While the passive house concept originated in Europe, it has been successfully adapted to diverse climates worldwide. From the Arctic to the tropics, passive house principles can be applied anywhere with climate-specific modifications to achieve peak performance.

The Certified




This certification is awarded to passivhaus units & components before in-house fabrication.

It involves rigorous testing to ensure that the design and specifications fully match all Passive House Institute standards.

This certification is awarded to home units after site assembly or on-site construction.

The key test for this certification is the blower door test, which measures the airtightness of the completed structure.